Thursday, October 31, 2019

Managing in an Inclusive Environment Diversity Essay

Managing in an Inclusive Environment Diversity - Essay Example Meisinger 2007 State of Workplace Diversity Management Report conveys that a survey with 1400 HR Professionals reveal that 52 percent of the respondents believe that diversity practices accomplish specific business objectives to a large extent. Still, these respondents had stated that diversity management remains a challenge because, diversity management field is not well-defined or understood, focuses too much on compliance, and places too much emphasis on ethnicity and also on gender. Creating an Inclusive work environment pays. By bringing about diversity programs an organization can create such environment. There are at least 19 business houses, which have taken seriously and brought in enviable diversity programs. These efforts include such interventions like giving women of color access to variety of support networks, extending leadership development programs to minority groups and diversity workshops to managers Chubb Group of Insurance Companies have offered a comprehensive diversity initiative called 'Reach Up, Reach Out, Reach Down', in which high-potential employees of color receive management training and development opportunities. Almost a quarter of female employees who took advantage of management training last year were women of color. Compliance is no doubt an important factor. ... Competitive Advantage Experts are of opinion that there are valuable competitive advantage in employing diverse work groups and they offer seven good reasons why an organisation should have diverse workforce : 1. It is the right thing to do, both ethically and morally. 2. A diversity helps complying with the laws regarding issues of discrimination. 3. Having diversity in a company opens up marketing opportunities, because prejudice aspects of customers are substantially balanced 4. A diverse group of people provides better and varied ideas. 5. Companies want to hold themselves out as the employer of choice. 6. Diversity helps retain your people. 7. Diversity initiatives impact the bottom line. [MANUEL ESPINOZA, (2007), 6-2-2009()] Compliance with law Compliance is no doubt an important factor. US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), has observed that, particularly after the Sep 11 attacks , focus was on preventing workplace discrimination, harassment and backlash against innocent employees and applicants for employment who were, or were perceived to be, Arab, Muslim, Middle Eastern, South Asian or Sikh. Employment Non-Discrimination Act of 2007 (ENDA, H.R. 3685) prohibits discrimination. Further, it would add 'Sexual orientation' to the list of protected groups, classified by race, religion, ethnicity, sex, age, disability and pregnancy. This would grant protection to gay men, lesbians and bisexuals against discrimination at the workplace. In the Constitution, free exercise of religion is an absolute right. The Workplace Religious Freedom Act of 2007 (WRFA, H.R. 1431) involves accommodation of religious freedom in the workplace. Currently, under Title VII of the Civil

Monday, October 28, 2019

Working Capital Management Essay Example for Free

Working Capital Management Essay Finagle A Bagel was purchased in 1998 by Alan Litchman and his wife Laura Trust. At the time Finagle had been in operation for 4 years and operated out of 4 locations. Having come from a corporate background with no bagel baking experience, Alan and Laura faced with many financial and operations decisions with their purchase. Situations such as renting a facility or owning it, incurring debt or partnering with a venture capitalist, building banking relationships, opening lines of credit, and establishing trade credit. Each of these decisions effected if Finagle was in the red or black. Many small companies are faced with similar decisions, determining if the cost is justified and the potential return. When Alan and Laura purchase Finagle, they determined that they wanted to own their facilities, arguing that in the long term it is better to own then rent. This was very advantageous for Finagle as it put them in a position to negotiate with banks when the economy declined. Finagle built partnerships with banks as they were seen as a good investment to the banks, this in turn meant lower interest rates to finance their debt. Early on Finagle had the opportunity to take on partners as a means to raise capital, but they decided instead to take on debt which allowed them to continue to operate their business without oversight. Venture capital partners could have enabled Finagle to grow faster without debt but it could have cost them control over the long term direction they saw for Finagle. As with any business, a good accounting department is necessary. Determining if spending justifies the cost, for Finagle they recognized that they need to spend $10,000 to earn $1,000; as a majority of the profit went to overhead such as electricity and personnel. Understanding the cost of spending enabled the company to be competitive in the marketplace and position themselves for the long-term. Small retail operations see cash daily through individual purchases. Cash  in hand adds surplus to the bottom line as Finagle is seeing immediate payment but has 20 days before they have to pay their vendors. When Finagle started to grow and place their products in grocery stores, they were no longer receiving payment for their goods immediately. The grocery store would provide payment within a stated period of time however Finagle could not delay paying their vendors until they received payment from the grocery store. To combat the time delay between accounts receivable and accounts payable, Finagle opened a line of credit and negotiated the use of trade credit with their vendors. Having multiple means to service their debt has helped Finagle a Bagel to grow into a successful organization. Through strong leadership and working capital management, Finagle has grown to have 5 retail locations, partnerships with 26 grocery stores that stock fresh and frozen bagels, and 12 distributors (Finagle A Bagel, 2014). References Finagle A Bagel. (2014). Where to Buy. Retrieved from!cafe-locations Parrino, R., Kidwell, D., Bates, T. (2012). Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley Sons.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Realism Naturalism English

Realism Naturalism English Realism and Naturalism are two similar literary movements of the 19th and 20th century that deal with the real, cruel world. Realism was developed in the early 1800s as a branch off of Romanticism which also dealt with ordinary, â€Å"natural† life. Realism most straightforwardly is â€Å"the truthful treatment of material.† Writers in this movement focused mainly on everyday, natural incidents involving ordinary people, nothing too extreme or out of the ordinary. This movement put most emphasis on detached, precise observations of human life. Some such writers were Mark Twain and Dean Howells. Naturalism was just a more extreme, darker version of Realism. However Naturalism is based on very different philosophy in which people are prisoners of their inheritance and social environment, a result of Darwinian influence of scientific reasoning. In Naturalism, life is viewed more as machine like than humanistic; man is simply just another animal on planet earth driven by hi s chemistry and environment. Spirituality has no part in this literary movement; it is all scientifically based. A few writers in this movement were Theodore Dreiser and Ambrose Beirce. Although Realism and Naturalism are quite similar movements, they are still two very distinct philosophical views on life as illustrated in two pieces of such literature: â€Å"Hedda Gabler† by Henrik Isben and â€Å"Chickamauga† written by Ambrose Beirce. â€Å"Hedda Gabler† is a play written in 1890 by Henrik Ibsen, a Realistic writer, in which Realism is displayed and its principles qualified. Since Realism is a movement dedicated to revealing the vulgarity and cruelty of society to the people this story is likewise an account of a perverse, earthy society. It is based and names after the main character, Hedda Gabler. Gabler is her maiden name, but using it as the title sets the Realistic tone that all she ever did was care for herself and her formerly comfortable, aristocratic lifestyle. She is a prime example of how perverse society and its morality really is. Hedda was married to George Tesman and apparently pregnant with his child which morally is supposed to mean that she has some sort of binding love with him, however, she confessed to Mrs. Elvsted that even after all that, she really had no true feelings for Tesman. Not only does she not love her husband but she has no problem with cheating on him with his scholarly ar chrival, Eilert Loevborg. This is a prime illustration of the Realistic view of a perverse society. Although this story is pointing out the perverse nature of mankind, it is not taking and humane traits out of the characters like Naturalism; it is a much less extreme example of an ultimately corrupt humanity. â€Å"Chickamauga† is a short story written by American Ambrose Beirce, a sardonic author obsessed with death, a Naturalism characteristic, which can blatantly be seen in this story. Naturalism comes from a desire to shock the middle class with thorough and vivid depictions of sadistic, animalistic characters. First of all, Beirces attitude towards the six year old boy in the story, referring to the boy as â€Å"it†, qualifies the Naturalistic principle that man is merely just another animal, no more than a lab case study. Naturalists do not believe than humans possess any kind of otherworldly soul that separates them from all other life forms. This is portrayed especially by the boy and also somewhat by the soldiers and other characters in the story. Already has Beirce started dehumanizing the boy by calling him â€Å"it†, but also they way he writes about him in such an annoyed, insufferable manor it is plain to see that to the Naturalists, the boy is worthless . It is even more appalling considering the inconsiderate tone Beirce took with the boy to find out at the end that he was a deaf mute. Naturalists have no more care for poor children with handicaps than they do with anything else. This detached tone is also taken with the maimed, dying soldiers dragging themselves to the creek. They are plainly observed by the young boy who was amused and intrigued, not aghast, by the awkward way their maimed bodies approached the creek and by how the men whod let their heads down to get a drink had been too weak to lift their heads back out and had drowned in the water. Realists do not take the human factor out of mankind like Naturalists do; they simply observe without any kind of emotion or attachment to the characters and setting. Not only are these soldiers being described and treated inhumanly, the childs reaction to these images were solely influenced and determined by his past experiences, his environment. These men were suffering incredibly and the young boy just laughed as he saw them approaching and thought nothing of their disfigured features until one of them aggressively pushed him off of his back onto the ground. At first he thought of them as amusing because the red blood that covered their faces and bodies reminded him of a clown he had once been entertained by, and the way some of them were crawling reminded him of the way some of his familys slaves had pretended to be horses for him to ride. Because of his past experiences with seemingly similar circumstances, the boy was not afraid and even jumped on the back of one of the crawling soldiers he thought was also pretending to be a horse. However, after the man shoved the little boy off onto the ground and the boy saw his disfigured face he finall y became afraid. The mans jawless, bloody face reminded the little boy of a carnivorous bird after its kill. Both of these reactions were not based on any kind of feeling; they were simply reactions to the boys environment, another principle of Naturalism. Realism does not try to give any reasons for a characters actions whether they are results of their environment or moral responsibilities. Naturalism is a scientific philosophy rationalizing how and why man works the way he does; Realism simply tries to put an accurate emphasis on humane understanding, leaving the characters motive to himself. Although Realism and Naturalism do branch off from each other, they are very different in that Realism leaves the humanistic qualities and just focusing on true observations of a corrupt society whereas Naturalism is a scientific philosophy that mankind is nothing more than another life form on earth acting upon only his chemistry and environmental circumstances. â€Å"Hedda Gabler† and â€Å"Chickamauga† were two very suitable examples of each literary movement. They both clearly exhibited the principles of each movement to the reader.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Going Round Our Selves :: Personal Narrative Woolf Essays

Going Round Our Selves To tell the truth about oneself, to discover oneself near at hand, is not easy. -Virginia Woolf, "Montaigne" It was the end of August. I was eight years old and my mom, dad, brother, uncle, and I had gathered on the front porch of our lakeside cottage in Indiana. All day a thunderstorm raged outside. The rain swept across the lake in sheets from the north, flooding the boathouse and drenching the sheets and towels my mother and I had hung on the clothesline the night before. My brother and I had gone through every board game in the house and worn out the deck of cards, so he told me we were going to play catch, snatched up a tennis ball, and headed from the porch into the main part of the house. I, four years his junior, followed. It is here, first, that I feel I must pause; for just now, in this event as I have begun to recount it, there seem to be numerous forces at work. The way in which I remember the beginnings of this incident, the method by which I have started to put it into words, speaks to the rain that drove my family and me into the house and onto the porch, to my brother who effortlessly coaxed me into one game of monopoly after another, to the ease with which I complied with his silent instructions to follow him into the house for a game of catch. My actions seem so driven by things and people external to me that recalling my eight-year-old self has surprised and startled, unsettled me. In allowing this sensation of shock to play through my mind, I am instantly drawn to Virginia Woolf's "A Sketch of the Past," her version of a memoir in which she brings the places she grew up in, the people she knew, and a handful of the experiences that shaped her over the course of her life back into existence for us to read, perhaps eventually to come to know and be shaped by ourselves. Woolf is interested in this shaping and molding, the malleability, the instabilities of human existence that drive our daily lives; and so she sets out to explore and examine the power and influence of the forces in the early, formative years of one's life. She writes that somehow into the space and time of one's childhood must be brought, too, the sense of movement and change.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

A Rose by Any Other Name: the Pros and Cons for Each Alternative Essay

What is the best marketing strategy for Rose Partyware? In both options – becoming a manufacturer for Party! private label line of party goods or launching of a branded line of party ware – Rose company will face some issues and will embraced some opportunities. In my opinion, there are pros and cons for each alternative: 1. Becoming a manufacturer for Party! Pros: †¢The possibility to become the manufacturer for one of the biggest retail chain in the field with 300 stores †¢Access granted to a huge market having in mind that retail chains are more and more developing in to the first choice of customers in terms of shopping †¢The sales of Rose Company made through Party! represent 20% of total sales. †¢ Rose products will have a very good exposure on the shelves of Party!, along with merchandising support and sharply reducing the number of competitors. †¢Eliminating the advertising costs Cons: †¢Risk of product’s cannibalization   Ã¢â‚¬ ¢Losing brand personality – Having no decision capacity regarding the design of the products. †¢35% of total sale are coming from independent shops. Moreover, Tom consider that this type of partners were always a great source of good ideas and encouragement and he felt that he owns them a part of his company success. By accepting Party’s! proposal Rose company assumes the risk of losing the partnership with independent shops. †¢Rose brand is a strong one in this field. Their products are the best in terms of quality and customers appreciation. If they accept Party! proposal it occur the risk of losing brand awareness among the customers †¢Lack of trust in retail chains policy regarding the amount of payment for the manufactured products. †¢Losing the opportunity to take advantage of a next-generation technology. †¢Lack of pride among the employees 2. Implement the new technology Pros: †¢Increase brand power which allow Rose to stay ahead of its rivals. †¢This next generation technology will give the opportunities of reducing the total costs by eliminating the expensive filmmaking process. †¢A market research conducted by the company it reveal that, both customers and distributors have positive remarks about the new concept. †¢Some studies results show that the customers are willing to pay even more for Rose’s new brand than it was suggested to them. So the company has the possibility to increase the price by 6-7% at their new products in order to cover the expenses with advertising. †¢Keeping the innovative spirit of the company Cons: †¢Risk involved by price increasing †¢Customers inconstancy regarding what they say in a market research program vs. what they do in a real life situation As we can see, both alternatives imply as well opportunities and risks. If I were the decision maker in this case I would surely choose the alternative to implement the new technology that will allow the company to create innovative products. I would take this decision based on short and medium/long terms factors. On short term, in terms of sales the actual partnership with Party! represent 20% of total sales while the one with independent shops is 35% of total sales. The diminishing of eventual loses, it can be crucial for the business. In addition, as Tom stated, the independent shops represented a success factor in growth of Rose Company over the years. On a medium/long terms the company has the opportunity to be the pioneer in developing a innovative product with a positive impact among clients and distributors. Is a great opportunity to increase the power of the brand and to put its mark over the entire partyware industry.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on That We Have a Dream

. He is the oldest, and the only one mature enough to feel them in the way that I do. I’ve stared into his longing eyes long now. They have been tortured, and they have been hated. Yet they are still human. And they are still forgiving. I am again reminded of the hope to come of our people. That Lincoln fought for our well-being, so that one day there will never be a black man with countless scars across his back. We may be ‘indentured’ to the white men for life, but one day we will have our health. I open my mouth dryly to speak to my son. But in that moment, I am sad. I am a man who cannot protect my dearest obligation. My son Martin will never escape the unconditional hate. He will never escape his fear of being forced to war. I know and feel it. He will forever be separated from any respect, only because the color of his skin. Even when the nation we have been forced into was changing, we blacks have had a constant reputation: as slaves, unworthy of any respect. I had been born into a world of constant change. The faces of my family were forever changing, for family was composed of the others like me. They were ‘the others on the farm.’ I do not remember a first home. For since I had been born, I was traded, sold, or run to a new farm. I never knew peace and relaxation. There had been no law to protect my rights, my body, or my possessions. Even where I lay to sleep, I was fearful. Scared of the next day. Scared of the greedy, hungry family that lay beside me. Scared of life. Scared to wake up to the same hopeless li... Free Essays on That We Have a Dream Free Essays on That We Have a Dream I open my eyes. The first things I see are my sons. They have a strange look in their eye. Almost like they never expected to see my eyes again. Maybe they’re right. Maybe this is my last time to see. Maybe this is my last chance to speak. Maybe this is my last moment to live. Having just realized this, I ask all but one of my sons to leave. Martin will pass my words. He is the oldest, and the only one mature enough to feel them in the way that I do. I’ve stared into his longing eyes long now. They have been tortured, and they have been hated. Yet they are still human. And they are still forgiving. I am again reminded of the hope to come of our people. That Lincoln fought for our well-being, so that one day there will never be a black man with countless scars across his back. We may be ‘indentured’ to the white men for life, but one day we will have our health. I open my mouth dryly to speak to my son. But in that moment, I am sad. I am a man who cannot protect my dearest obligation. My son Martin will never escape the unconditional hate. He will never escape his fear of being forced to war. I know and feel it. He will forever be separated from any respect, only because the color of his skin. Even when the nation we have been forced into was changing, we blacks have had a constant reputation: as slaves, unworthy of any respect. I had been born into a world of constant change. The faces of my family were forever changing, for family was composed of the others like me. They were ‘the others on the farm.’ I do not remember a first home. For since I had been born, I was traded, sold, or run to a new farm. I never knew peace and relaxation. There had been no law to protect my rights, my body, or my possessions. Even where I lay to sleep, I was fearful. Scared of the next day. Scared of the greedy, hungry family that lay beside me. Scared of life. Scared to wake up to the same hopeless li...

Monday, October 21, 2019

The Changes of Europe in the 1700s

The Changes of Europe in the 1700s Ever since the beginning of time, people’s lives have been changing as humans continue to learn new concepts of life. This paper examines some of the changes experienced in Europe in the 1700s. The whole of Europe is noted to have undergone diverse changes in course of the eighteenth century. Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Changes of Europe in the 1700s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In this essay, I will examine some of the changes experienced in the continent in regard of various crucial aspects of the human life such as health and health care, disease, education, and agriculture as the main source of food and livelihood for many people in those times. This paper also discusses in detail the main thoughts and ideas behind the great Scientific Revolution as well as the enlightenment instilled by early thinkers and writers in the region. The eighteenth century would be a period of diverse changes in th e whole of Europe. This period was historically referred to as ‘the Age of Enlightenment’ and would be characterized by many changes in various sectors of life. This would be a more unified intellectual movement across Europe among a group of philosophers or thinkers who shared a progressive anti-religious outlook on life. This scope however, would be greater than it was originally believed and it triggered many positive as well as negative changes across the region. Both the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment would profoundly change the face of the continent and come the 1700s, diverse changes would be apparent in many nations across the continent. One outstanding change that would impact other significant changes would be the high population rates witnessed across Europe in the 1700s. Many countries such as England and France increased their populations at the fastest rate. Even though health and educational facilities were undergoing notable changes to the better, the services would be poor owing to the heightening demographics. High populations would normally paste diverse effects on the human life among them diseases. During the 1700s, the Europeans would be subjects to many ailments and diseases such as bubonic plague, measles, and small pox. Infectious ailments remained endemic in towns and the cities. The entire continent had been characterized by a rapid development of hospitals and in the course of this period, hospitals would be opened in the larger cities. These however would not be enough to cater for the welfare of the surging populations.Advertising Looking for essay on history? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The century was indeed one of the most tempting moments in the history of most European countries. In the course of this period, Europe populations would remain at the mercy of famines and repeated harvest failures and this coupled with the prevaili ng diseases would impose great suffering on peoples’ lives. However, no matter these challenges agriculture was still practiced for prosperity even though in vain owing to the progressive famine of the period. Bread was the staple food for many people but it was rarely available in most parts of the region. In this case, most meals would constitute of peas and beans soup supplemented with vegetables and roots. However, no matter these failures, the century would witness some improvements in the variation of crops and in the diet. Agricultural revolutions were also observed in some parts such as England and Netherlands where agriculture would be conducted in a more scientific manner. Most Revolution and Enlightenment writers and thinkers had great thoughts and ideas regarding the nature of Europe and this would be the force behind the diverse changes in the continent at that time. One of the most common approaches among thinkers would be the idea of logical and rational reas oning. Another major idea common with enlightenment thinkers and writers would be the question regarding accepted beliefs which contributed to new scientific theories. Witty and entertaining style of writing was also used by writers to influence people in understanding the enlightenment mission. There were also other ideas that would be based on moral, empiricism, and scientific order and all these would come to influence innovation philosophies and economic principles in the European history.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Definition Civil Liberties and Some Examples

The Definition Civil Liberties and Some Examples Civil liberties are rights that are guaranteed to the citizens or residents of a country or territory. Theyre  a matter of fundamental law. Civil Liberties vs. Human Rights Civil liberties generally differ from human rights, which are universal rights to which all human beings are entitled regardless of where they live. Think of civil liberties as rights that a government is contractually obligated to protect, usually by a constitutional bill of rights. Human rights are rights implied by ones status as a person  whether the government has agreed to protect them or not. Most governments have adopted constitutional bills of rights that make some pretense of protecting basic human rights, so human rights and civil liberties overlap more often than they dont. When the word liberty is used in philosophy, it generally refers to what we would now call human rights rather than civil liberties because theyre regarded as universal principles and not subject to a specific national standard. The term civil rights is a near-synonym, but it often specifically refers to rights sought by African Americans during  the American civil rights movement. Some History The English phrase civil liberty was coined in a 1788 speech by James Wilson, a Pennsylvania state politician who was advocating the ratification of the U.S. Constitution. Wilson said:   We have remarked, that civil government is necessary to the perfection of society. We now remark that civil liberty is necessary to the perfection of civil government. Civil liberty is natural liberty itself, divested only of that part, which, placed in the government, produces more good and happiness to the community than if it had remained in the individual. Hence it follows, that civil liberty, while it resigns a part of natural liberty, retains the free and generous exercise of all the human faculties, so far as it is compatible with the public welfare. But the concept of civil liberties dates back much further and most likely predates that of universal human rights. The 13th century English Magna Carta refers to itself as the great charter of the liberties of England, and of the liberties of the forest (magna carta libertatum), but we can trace the origin of civil liberties back much further to the Sumerian praise poem of Urukagina at around the 24th century BCE. The poem which establishes the civil liberties of orphans and widows and creates checks and balances to prevent government abuses of power. Contemporary Meaning In a contemporary U.S. context, the phrase civil liberties generally brings to mind the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), a progressive advocacy and litigation organization that has promoted the phrase as part of its efforts to protect the authority of the U.S. Bill of Rights. The American Libertarian Party also claims to protect civil liberties but it has deemphasized civil liberties advocacy over the past several decades in favor of a more traditional form of paleoconservatism. It now prioritizes states rights rather than personal civil liberties. Neither major U.S. political party has a particularly impressive record on civil liberties, although the Democrats have historically been stronger on most issues due to their demographic diversity and relative independence from the Religious Right. Although the American conservative movement has had a more consistent record with respect to the Second Amendment and eminent domain, conservative politicians do not generally use the phrase civil liberties when referring to these issues. They tend to avoid talking about the Bill of Rights for fear of being labeled moderate or progressive. As has been largely true since the 18th century, civil liberties are not generally associated with conservative or traditionalist movements. When we consider that liberal or progressive movements have also historically failed to prioritize civil liberties, the necessity of aggressive civil liberties advocacy, independent of other political objectives, becomes clear.   Some Examples If the fires of freedom and civil liberties burn low in other lands, they must be made brighter in our own.  President Franklin D. Roosevelt  in a 1938 address to the National Education Association. Yet four years later, Roosevelt authorized the forcible internment of 120,000 Japanese Americans on the basis of ethnicity.   You dont have any civil liberties if youre dead. Senator Pat Roberts (R-KS) in a 2006 interview regarding post-9/11 legislation.Manifestly, there is no civil liberties crisis in this country. People who claim there is must have a different goal in mind. Ann Coulter in a 2003 column

Saturday, October 19, 2019

USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC Article

USA responsibility for fostering the growth and development of the EEC - Article Example In addition, they believed that an integrated Europe could play a greater political role in the world. The economic gains to be derived from European integration were recognized long before the postwar era, but post-World War II developments made them greater and more visible. The benefits come from expanding the size of the market open to producers. They are thus able to obtain the economies of scale resulting from mass production and specialization, and the economy as a whole can gain from the effects of greater competition. The advantages of integration assumed greater importance in the 1950's because technological developments that occurred during and after the war increased the size of the market necessary to support efficient industry. Competition from large U.S. business firms seemed insurmountable to European firms faced with small, fragmented markets and equipped with obsolete machinery. Larger markets and protection from the competition of U.S. products were thought necessary to sustain rapid European growth. Both could be obtained through economic integration. The political gains from integration seemed at the time to be even more important than the economic ones. The destructive war in Europe was not followed by peace but by cold war. Under Joseph Stalin, the Soviet Union threatened the very existence of European governments. Germany was divided and faced a powerful Russian army on its frontier. Italy and France both experienced great uncertainties from having large Communist minorities within their borders. In this situation, only the military power of the United States maintained security. But the Europeans felt that they had to make an important contribution to their own defense, both to avoid being totally dependent on the United States, and to prepare for the day when U.S military forces would be removed from European soil. Integration through supranational institutions was thought to be both a means of ensuring efficient expenditure of the resources Europeans felt they could devote to security, and a way of downgrading independent m ilitary establishments. In Germany, particularly, integration was viewed as a means of providing sufficient strength in the West to convince the Soviet Union that nothing could be gained from a continued division of Germany, in the hope that reunification would eventually be permitted. Conflicts over the goals of European unity and over the degree of supranationality of its institutions have marked the European movement during the postwar period. Indeed, the most far-reaching attempts to institutionalize unity through the European Defense Community (EDC) and the companion European Political Community (EPC) foundered on issues directly related to these conflicts. In order to circumvent this problem, the promoters of the "European idea" decided to concentrate their efforts on economic integration. European governments ( France in particular) could enter into agreements in the economic sphere, as demonstrated by the formation and continued existence of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), but were not prepared to accept a direct attack on national sovereignty, as shown by the defeat of the EDC proposal. Thus, the Rome Treaty establishing the EEC is devoid of provisions for political integration. (Nugent, 2006) However, political motives were paramount, and th e ultimate objective of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Love. company case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Love. company case - Essay Example As a result, the consumers highly value ESPN brand. It is on this principle that the company has successfully pursued growth and development, diversely and dynamically meeting consumer tastes and preferences. Consumer satisfaction has, therefore, played a fundamental role in ESPN brand expansion. Expansion strategies have seen the company becoming a diverse and dynamic network with ABC. Consumer-ESPN is characterized by several core benefits. Accessibility to sports new is not limited. On the same note, sports schedules and all games that are set to take place are made available to those who need them. In other words, ESPN is efficient and effective in offering sports entertainment. ESPN’s products’ diversity considers every aspect of a consumer. ESPN’s actual is offered in different packages. Latest sports updates are televised. To endure that consumers are not glued to the TVs, the company makes its product available through website, magazine, radio station and mobile telephone application (Plunkett, 2006). Point of accessing the product is, therefore, not limited. In relation to augmented product, ESPN can be relied upon for any given aspect of the sports industry. Brand equity of the ESPN is very strong. ESPN and ABC effectively coordinate their activities in a bid to ensure reliability by the consumers. Numerous sports events are made available for the various consumer categories that the company has identified in regard to its brand. In other words, media coverage has been successfully integrated in the company’s means of reaching out to the consumers (Plunkett, 2006). It is through this factor that ESPN’s brand equity has become stronger over time. Brand equity and brand value are intertwined in this case. Easy access to the ESPN brand has enhanced consumer loyalty. Product and/or service delivery by ESPN is, therefore, of great value across different

Maritime piracy along the malacca straits in Southeast Asia Research Paper

Maritime piracy along the malacca straits in Southeast Asia - Research Paper Example Singapore th efeoe ecame a typeically diffent stllemntwioth both Euroeopand and Asian elemntsanndintersts, leading to develop,ntof the Irnum maradduing fgnag thth attcejd Englisgh shipps trading inthis region with a passon leadiong to heacy losses and marginally contgruibuted to declining trade in Singapore at this time ( Wong Lin Ken, 1960 82-83). Singapre as explained was creted as a redistruibutin center by western forces Mills (1966, 223) argue wtht Europen powers emp[loyed draconian approaches to reduce clocal comeotyoninteh area nd enjoy a complte monopoly destroyin the indegneous systems,w hich imprecverisehd he local sn and the merachants, who dweeloped sesdneof ravage and a sense f legitimiston attcks on ships along the strait.t he Maly and ghe Illunun were biter rivals and piracy continued thpoighh atck of ships and was at its peak between 1826 and 1836 (Freeman, 180). There the fact th SIngapiore was a destin f o the west heithned pirate attcks on ships tow the countery an d had almost chocked the port sof Singapore (Freeman, 182). The 1849 bid to elimintate pircacy aliong the striat led by te British though asuslton theassialnts (Freeman, 183) 0was reamrble in crating divides between Sinaopre and the restof the region as a choise fo the westen forces (Mitchel 1976, 178). Piracy thrives ina area where it is culteurally acceptable and in ASoutegh east asia, it has been aemvbraced as as an acceptable way oflivfe eaimed at profvding support for poor local villages (Murphy, 17). This explinsw hry teerrosimis more rampant along Indonesian coast whre poverty is much higher (Young, 61) and is not considered as a global problem (). M,oroever, closelnessof the sttes has been a factrt to heighten sensitvuity ion stte soverignity, which has hampred efforts for cordiotna nd intergraton in coabatig the piracy meannce

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the Essay

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Using information about decorative arts, architecture, - Essay Example One of the cultural differences that emerged between England and America was in speech. Americans no longer carry even a hint of a British accent. The Americans created a new unique form of English. Several reasons can explain this phenomenon. First and foremost Americans wanted to show their lack of class. Classes such as nobility, middle, and lower classes had their own accents in England. America wanted everyone to be equal. Thus by speaking slurred English, Americans showed their solidarity with one another (Larkin, 1989: 154). The melting pot of cultures that came to America also contributed to the unique English. Germans, Italians, Irish, African, and many other cultures collided with their accents making the American accent. Americans did not want to create an English Colony, they wanted to create a new country with a new language. American English is also written differently than British English. For example, Americans write center, whereas the British write centre. The British do not write words ending in er, but use re. The lack of reading material in the beginning of the Colonies might have contributed to the misspelling of words, which in turn created this whole new distinctive English (Larkin, 1989: 36). Words for common things also became different. In England, a queue is a line in America. This could be created to the illiterate, which spelled the words wrong, with a new generation adopting them, or a deliberate attempt to leave their English roots behind. The Americans created a new version of English that is still around today. Art in America reflected the culture that the artist came from. Pictures of farmers, landscapes, and hardships started appearing in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (Larkin, 1989: 176). These paintings were exclusively American, since they depicted American life. American Gothic, Old Virginia Home, and The Declaration of

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Features of educational websites Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Features of educational websites - Essay Example Moodle has a sister website called which is mostly used for commercial purposes and to provide other services that are necessary for the development of the organization. Moodle provides a software package that helps the teachers or educators to make learning look easy. The emphasis is more on creating right environment for the educators to understand the nuances of teaching. Moodle claims the software package helps the educators to master in creative teaching and create effective online learning communities. The home page of Moodle is user friendly. The layout structure is not bad and browsing the website is not that difficult. On the left pane of the website all the services provided by the organization can be seen and can be navigated easily. The Moodle's publish yearly newsletter that helps users who are new to the website and provides much needed information about the activities and achievements of the website. The middle pane presents briefly what the website is providing to the users. Some of the information is highlighted and when anyone clicks on the highlighted image the user will be taken to the next page related to the topic he/she clicked. One of the important features of the website is users can navigate by selecting the preferred language. The website provides community discussions in English and several other languages such as Spanish, French, German, etc. From the standpoint, overall the site gives an average look. It's not attractive and does not have any special features to pull the traffic. Though it claims to be OSI certified, who knows OSI is. Nowadays websites are certified by some organizations that no one knows. Other important aspect is the information is not well organized. It looks as if all the stuff has been put together. They should have given space to put the information at right places. ATutor copyrights are reserved by Adaptive Technology Resource Center or in short ATRC. It is an open source web based Learning Content Management System or in short LCMS. It helps tutors by providing the necessary the tools to develop the presentation style. Installing the software package can be done in minutes and the LCMS has been designed with accessibility and adaptability in mind so that when students navigate through the module can understand the topic easily. One of the important features of this software package provided by ATutor is it can be updated easily. To give Atutor a new look custom templates can be developed with ease. With ATutor quick assembling, packaging, distribution and redistribution of Web-based instructional content, retrieving, importing prepackaged content and conducting online courses is made easy. Since the whole teaching method is based on graphical user interface system and web based applications browsing the website is easier. In general when a student misses a class, he has to get the information by borrowing fellow student's notes. But with ATutor even if the student misses the class he can come to the website at any time and can view information required just like in real time environment. Thus saving the much-needed time. Overall the site is good and provides the required features for the educators and tutors. The homepage layout structure is attractive

Workplace Privacy Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words

Workplace Privacy - Thesis Example In this scenario, the extent to which an employee can monitor and where he needs to draw a line is a major concern for both employers and employees. Employers find it crucial to monitor their workplaces due to fraud and theft, productivity, security concerns which stem from internal workforce either directly or indirectly. They utilize monitoring methods and application that range from telephone monitoring to genetic testing. On the other hand, employees regard it as intrusive monitoring that invades their right to privacy without reasonable justification. Though the right to privacy is not explicitly given in U.S. Constitution, there are certain amendments (1st, 4th, and 9th) and Acts that ensure employees privacy rights. However these conflicting interests give rise to legal issues and lawsuits from employees in United States. This paper analyses the idea of workplace privacy, some of its legal and technological aspects, gives an in-depth review of employers and employees perspecti ve on the issue, and considering the complex nature of the privacy in workplace. It is inferred that employers and government should collectively fill the gaps between law and emerging technology related privacy issues for better workplace. 2. Defining workplace privacy There are a number of ways to define privacy. Earlier definition of privacy concentrated on a person’s right to his individual privacy which refers to his right to be alone and at a distance from other people(Chapin 164;Bates 839).However, research on this perception soon expanded and a person’s environment is also included as an element in the discussion of privacy(Bellingar and Virginia 2).Spreading it further Schwartz stated:â€Å"

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the Essay

America became a culturally distinct place from England during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Using information about decorative arts, architecture, - Essay Example One of the cultural differences that emerged between England and America was in speech. Americans no longer carry even a hint of a British accent. The Americans created a new unique form of English. Several reasons can explain this phenomenon. First and foremost Americans wanted to show their lack of class. Classes such as nobility, middle, and lower classes had their own accents in England. America wanted everyone to be equal. Thus by speaking slurred English, Americans showed their solidarity with one another (Larkin, 1989: 154). The melting pot of cultures that came to America also contributed to the unique English. Germans, Italians, Irish, African, and many other cultures collided with their accents making the American accent. Americans did not want to create an English Colony, they wanted to create a new country with a new language. American English is also written differently than British English. For example, Americans write center, whereas the British write centre. The British do not write words ending in er, but use re. The lack of reading material in the beginning of the Colonies might have contributed to the misspelling of words, which in turn created this whole new distinctive English (Larkin, 1989: 36). Words for common things also became different. In England, a queue is a line in America. This could be created to the illiterate, which spelled the words wrong, with a new generation adopting them, or a deliberate attempt to leave their English roots behind. The Americans created a new version of English that is still around today. Art in America reflected the culture that the artist came from. Pictures of farmers, landscapes, and hardships started appearing in the seventeenth and eighteenth century (Larkin, 1989: 176). These paintings were exclusively American, since they depicted American life. American Gothic, Old Virginia Home, and The Declaration of

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Workplace Privacy Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 12000 words

Workplace Privacy - Thesis Example In this scenario, the extent to which an employee can monitor and where he needs to draw a line is a major concern for both employers and employees. Employers find it crucial to monitor their workplaces due to fraud and theft, productivity, security concerns which stem from internal workforce either directly or indirectly. They utilize monitoring methods and application that range from telephone monitoring to genetic testing. On the other hand, employees regard it as intrusive monitoring that invades their right to privacy without reasonable justification. Though the right to privacy is not explicitly given in U.S. Constitution, there are certain amendments (1st, 4th, and 9th) and Acts that ensure employees privacy rights. However these conflicting interests give rise to legal issues and lawsuits from employees in United States. This paper analyses the idea of workplace privacy, some of its legal and technological aspects, gives an in-depth review of employers and employees perspecti ve on the issue, and considering the complex nature of the privacy in workplace. It is inferred that employers and government should collectively fill the gaps between law and emerging technology related privacy issues for better workplace. 2. Defining workplace privacy There are a number of ways to define privacy. Earlier definition of privacy concentrated on a person’s right to his individual privacy which refers to his right to be alone and at a distance from other people(Chapin 164;Bates 839).However, research on this perception soon expanded and a person’s environment is also included as an element in the discussion of privacy(Bellingar and Virginia 2).Spreading it further Schwartz stated:â€Å"

Southwest Airlines Essay Example for Free

Southwest Airlines Essay Southwest Airlines (SA) was founded in 1971 after a careful market analysis. Its founders believed in a low cost strategy. Through the Wright Amendment, which not only prohibited any air carrier from offering direct service into Love Field from any place beyond Texas and the four contiguous states of Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, and New Mexico, but also made more difficult the life of passengers coming from outside theses states and forbid the advertising to flights coming from Love Field, the competition made SA adopt a differentiation strategy. Which factors became crucial to the success of this company since its beginning? SA chose airports that were underutilized but were close to metropolitan areas. There was a main reason for the Aircraft choice, and its entire fleet of Boeing 737’s. It was a fuel-efficient fleet, and standardized, making the maintenance easier. Low cost fares, frequent and on-time flights, 15-minute gate turnarounds, high aircraft use and point-to-point routes gave them great advantage over their direct competitors (Continental Airlines, American or United Airlines). SA also chose to fly to secondary airports and not to have connections with other airline companies. With the increasing success of SA, its competitors started to try to replicate SA’s strategy. But the cost structure was not what gave SA the main competitive advantage in the market. The most important attribute was the human capital and the work environment where workers performed their tasks. SA’s Human Resources Department, called â€Å"The People Department†, had a huge impact on employees and on their way of working. â€Å"Employees are the Customer† of the Department. The following statement explains what the company’s philosophy was: â€Å"By recognizing that our people are the competitive advantage, we deliver resources and services to prepare our people to be winners, to support the growth and profitability of the company, while preserving the values and special culture of SA†. To provide work quality, employees had to be satisfied and happy with their jobs. Thus, the image and attitude that the crew showed to passengers would be welcomed. They would be more attentive to the passengers’ needs and consequently increasing their confidence to continue to choose SA as their preferred airline. Consequently, the corporation recorded a low number of complaints showing its notable performance. All employees were aware of their importance within the company to achieve the main objective, which was customer orientation/satisfaction. But they had other functions inside the company. Employees were also called for decision-making process, for the recruitment process, to give opinions about SA’s strategy. As such, not everyone entered SA’s workforce. After a long and complex process of selection and interviews, those chosen had the characteristics that would fit SA’s culture better. Once inside the company, they turned into company’s real assets, they became part of SA family. It was the main objective for each employee to make SA a successful company over time. Once SAs success was achieved rapidly, the major competitors implemented the same strategy, adapting it to their business environment. However, they noticed that they did not achieve the outlined goals. The most obvious explanation was the existence of cultural differences within each company. Their employees, the way they were organized and the vision that each one had was also different. Here SA had full advantage. It was not only the first move advantage in its strategy but also the fact that its employees found themselves working on and to their family. As I believe the main competitive advantage of SA relies on its unique organizational competence, I do not consider any of the above reasons a serious competitive threat for SA. However, SA should not rely on past successes and ignore its competitors. SA should always be looking back to its history and business lessons in order to remain an industry leader through supporting its culture and maintaining the focus on the people, even when and after Kelleher leaves the company.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Reflection On Formative Assessment Education Essay

Reflection On Formative Assessment Education Essay For my reflection on learning I am going to discuss writing assignment 01. I feel that I did a pretty good job with writing assignment 01, however, theres always room for improvement. The easiest part of the assignment was ofcause the multiple choice questions which I answered using mostly the general knowledge that I have gathered over past few years of studying Business Management; the second part of the assignment was to write a literature review which was a more challenging task to accomplish. Academic writing is not an easy task and often takes years to master fully. So at this stage, I wanted to be well on my way to becoming a better writer and a researcher. I believe that I have improved on both my academic writing and organizational skills. After going through week 4s content, I had set goals for myself to become better at organizing information, such as sourcing literature and writing about the information. I had hoped to have a better understanding of what a literature review is in order to incorporate this knowledge into my paper, as well as improve on my own ideas, and I feel like I have done that. According to Badenhorst (2010, p. 16) Writing is currency in academia. It doesnt matter how many ideas we have. If we cant transform those ideas into something material, we have nothing worth trading. Therefore, I had also wanted to be clearer when coming up with ideas in a concise, logical and integrated manner so that the person reading could easily follow my argument and understand what I am trying to say. And once again, I feel that I have done just that too. The general feedback that I got on my first assignment was positive. Some of suggestions that I had received from you were, Very good review. Evidence that the literature was studied and integrated in to the review. You should review the APA style referencing. As you cited some of the references wrong in the text. Always cite correctly. So I went back to revise the document that was given to us in the beginning of this module, namely, An Abridged Guide to the APA Referencing Style. I have learned that when citing a paraphrase within the text of an assignment, the surname of the author followed by a comma and the year of publication should be given wholly or partly in round brackets. If referencing a direct quote a comma and page number after the year should be added. I am now more comfortable with using the APA style referencing and hopefully wont be repeating the same silly mistakes I made in this assignment. References: Badenhorst, C. (2010). Productive writing becoming a prolific academic writer. Pretoria: Van Schaik Publishers. Reflection on learning in Assignment 02 I believe assignment 02 was a real chance for me to test my knowledge and ability to reach the outcomes of the module. I say this because of the nature of this assignment. In general I used to perceive multiple choice types of questions as an opportunity to gain easy extra marks. However, few questions in, I soon realized that assignment 02 was one of the most challenging assignments that I had to complete this year. That is why I was relieved and pleasantly surprised upon the release of the final marks. According to the results, I have gotten 42 correct and 8 incorrect answers. Looking back on the assignment 02, I feel as though I was well-equipped in the majority of the questions in the assignment, especially on answering the questions relating to quantitative and qualitative designs, due to thoroughly going through the work in Week 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. I feel like my weak point in the multiple choice assignment was that I may have fallen for the distracters. The reason why I have gotten some of the questions wrong is because I struggled in interpreting the idea of the text and choosing one correct answer. Also, most of the questions that I got incorrect had to do with either sampling or data collection. After this assignment I have learned the importance to have a good understanding of measurement process, like levels of measurement, reliability and validity. Researchers need to understand the values they attach to the information they collect. I believe that the tools I learned in this module have made me develop as a researcher and better prepared me for the future. 2.2 Weekly self-evaluations Include the two qualitative questions as self-reflections here for any three weeks of your choice. In addition to including the content that you provided during the specific weeks, also add a further reflection on how you feel about your answers at this point in time, now that you look back at these reflections: Nr Week Self-reflections 1A 2 Describe how you are finding this section of the module and the way in which it was presented. What did you like and what helped you to understand the material? On the other hand were there things that you did not understand properly in the way they were presented. How do you think we can improve our presentation and activities around this part of the work for this module? 1B 2 2A 4 Based on this weeks chapter, which content did you find easy to understand? What helped you to understand the material? What sections did you not understand properly? How do you think we can improve our presentation and activities around this part of the work for this module? In one or two paragraphs, explain the extent to which you are comfortable with your knowledge and understanding of the content of this introductory chapter 2B 4 3A 7 In one or two paragraphs, tell us how challenging you found the content of this weeks work? Are you coping with the workload each week? What are you doing to help reach the targeted learning goals each week? 3B 7 2.3 Reflection on the value of research As an honours student, an employee or employer in an organization, or a citizen of a country, you must make many decisions every day. Good, informed decisions require knowledge. What are the sources of our knowledge? Some of it is acquired through formal education in honours and masters programs in social work, or from attending on-going education programs. It may come from reading articles in professional journals, textbooks, or through online searches. It may also come from senior level experts who have been successful social workers for many years. Factually, much of the knowledge derived from these sources has one characteristic in common it is all derived from doing good research (Bryman Bell 2007, p.4). Conducting research is the most reliable method of acquiring new knowledge about business and learning. Alternative ways of knowing such as common sense, intuition, authority and tradition, have proven less useful for advancing our understanding of the complex process of learning (Mallick 1999, p.5). In the last 40 to 50 years, the value of research has attained a great deal of respectability amongst educators, politicians, business people, and other who often turn to researchers in the quest for reliable and valid information for making decisions (Mallick 1999, p.3). By teaching students the best ways to conduct research, they will be equipped to acquire the knowledge needed for making good, informed decisions in whatever social system level they may become employees or even potential employers. However, understanding how research should be conducted has a second benefit as it allows social workers or citizens of the country to critically and knowledgeably evaluate the research methods of others (e.g. leaders, politicians) and, thus, assess the credibility of the findings and recommendations that they generate. References: Bryman, A., Bell, E. (2007). Business Research Methods, Oxford University Press, New York Mallick, K. (1999). Researching Education: Perspectives and Techniques, Routledge, London 1.0 Introduction Nowadays, almost all curricula in the social studies contain at least one course in statistics. So given the importance of this discipline as a basic knowledge to understand the modern world, it is necessary to do some form of a research on the students attitude to statistics, as this could be an obstacle or an advantage in their learning process. From school, to home, to the workplace, statistics have become a part of our everyday life. In many circles, computer knowledge and competence in statistics is perceived as essential skills. In the beginning of their studies, many of the students are still not fully aware that they are required to study research methodology and statistics as an entire module in order to complete their degree. The emphasis placed on statistics and research related skills without a doubt virtually always surprise them. Some of the students even develop a phobia or an anxiety towards this academic subject that they tend to feel nervous and uncomfortable when they are required to deal with statistics and research related problems. In order to get a thorough understanding about Unisas students attitude towards research methods and statistics, this research will aim at investigating the factors influencing their attitude, by looking at anxiety, self-efficacy they put into studying statistics as well as their academic achievement. 2.0 Literature review In order to understand the implications of this research, an explanation of the key variables found in the literature review must first be discussed. 2.1 Students attitudes toward statistics The readiness of students to start courses in statistics can, apart from mathematical and intellectual ability, also be viewed in terms of emotional and attitudinal factors (Coetzee 2010, p.1). Attitude toward statistics can be defined as a combination of a students attitude toward the use of statistics in their field of study and the students attitudes towards the statistics course (Coetzee 2010, p.1). Although some students show a positive attitude toward statistics, evidence reveals that unfavourable responses far outweigh any favourable responses (Coetzee 2011, p1). Perepiczka et al. (2011) has reported that students often enter statistics courses with negative views or later develop negative feelings regarding the subject matter of statistics (p.100). According to Perepiczka et al. (2011), statistics courses are regarded by most students as an obstacle to obtaining their degree. These same students often delay taking their statistic courses until they cannot postpone it further. Researchers also found that students negative attitudes toward statistics is an influencing factor in low student performance in statistics courses (Perepiczka et al., 2011, p.101). 2.2 Statistics Anxiety In this study statistics anxiety is one of the three factors that influence students attitude towards statistics. Researchers documented a large amount of information on statistics anxiety over the years. For example, there are multiple definitions of statistics anxiety available in the literature. Elliot and Dweck (2005) defined statistics anxiety as the feeling of anxiety encountered when taking a statistics course or doing statistical analysis (p.243). According to Onwuegbuzie, DaRos, and Ryan (1997) statistics anxiety refers to the apprehension that occurs as a result of encountering statistics in any form at any level (p.28). The existing literature also identifies situation specific nature of statistics anxiety, ranging in intensity from mild to severe. While the mild form of statistics anxiety may induce only minor discomfort, severe forms can result in nervousness, panic and worry (Alauddin Butler, 2004, p.202). According to Onwuegbuzie (2000), majority of graduate students in the social sciences appeared to experience high levels of statistics anxiety, and it was found to be higher among female graduate students in comparison to their male colleagues. Statistics anxiety may be a critical factor in influencing and attaining a students academic and professional goals. Baloglu (2003) identified three categories of variables, situational, dispositional, and environmental, that are related to statistics anxiety (p.856). Situational experiences are factors that surround the student, which includes previous statistics experiences. Dispositional experiences are intrapersonal factors that include psychological and emotional characteristics made up of issues such as perfectionism and perception of abilities at developmental stages in life (Baloglu, 2003, p.856). Environmental experiences are interpersonal factors related to the classroom experience (Onwuegbuzie Daly, 1999), which can include the students experiences with the professor. 2.3 Self-Efficacy to Learn Statistics Perepiczka et al. (2011) defines general self-efficacy as ones judgments of his or her capabilities to organize and carry out courses of action required to attain specific types of performances. In other words self-efficacy to learn statistics is a persons confidence in his or her ability to successfully learn statistical skills necessary in a statistics course. Perepiczka stated that self-efficacy beliefs are manifested from four primary sources, which include the following: personal accomplishments, vicarious learning experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal. These primary sources lay the foundation for building the concept of self-efficacy to learn statistics. There is a lot of information available on self-ability or self-efficacy related to academic achievement (Balogu, 2003, p.858). However, little is known specifically about self-efficacy to learn statistics. Perepiczka (2011) investigated whether self-efficacy to learn statistics is related to performance in a statistics course and whether self-efficacy to learn statistics increased during a 12-week introductory statistics course. One hundred and three students from a large university partook in the survey. Perepiczka (2011) stated that there was a positive relationship between statistics self-efficacy and academic achievement as well as an increase in self-efficacy to learn statistics over the duration of the course. 2.4 Relationship between Attitude and Academic Achievement There are indeed numerous researches conducted on testing the relationship between attitude and academic achievement. Based on the previous literature, there is a general agreement that attitude could be regarded as a significant determinant of ones academic achievement. Most of these researches illustrated the more positive ones attitude towards an academic subject, the higher the possibility for him/her to perform well academically (Lilian, 2012, p. 156). The same applies vice-versa, students that previously have been performing well in mathematics field, generally have a more positive attitude towards statistics. In a research conducted in the U.S, the academics studied the relationship between students attitudes and academic achievement in college mathematics by inviting 218 freshmen to complete a set of questionnaire. The result indicated that students attitudes were highly correlated with their achievement in college calculus (Lilian, 2012, p. 156). In another longitudinal study also conducted in the U.S., the researchers assessed the relationship between attitude towards mathematics and achievement in mathematics. It was found that attitude had a powerful influence on students academic achievement (Lilian, 2012, p. 156). 3.0 Problem statement Statistics at a tertiary level is often a daunting task facing students undertaking these courses. This attitude amongst students have been shown to directly influence their motivation to study, achievement in statistic modules, and overall enrolment in statistics courses that are not compulsory, especially in the final year of undergraduate degrees and postgraduate years of study. Students attitude towards statistics is essentially either positive or negative, but remains a multifactorial issue. The most common factors that are assessed are preconceptions about statistics, environmental factors (e.g. age, gender, etc.), previous mathematical experience, mathematical aptitude, beliefs, interests, the number of years elapsed since students last statistics course etc. Students with a negative attitude tend to focus only on the method of assessment which only serves to increase their test anxiety. Since students attitudes toward examinations and other non-cognitive factors can affect their performance levels in statistics courses (Onwuegbuzie, 2000), Students also view some forms of assessment as more anxiety inducing than others, thus affecting their performance in the assessments. A programme of assessment also should include means for determining students impressions of the relevance and fairness of the assessment process (Onwuegbuzie, 2000) to determine what can be done to reduce assessment anxiety. Students with positive attitudes towards statistics tend to have a higher performance in statistics courses than students with negative attitudes. With this in mind, it would be an excellent idea for lecturers teaching statistical courses to promote a positive attitude towards statistics, not only as a professional tool, but also a something that can be used every day as a central skill. It might also be plausible that the first goal in teaching statistics should be to reduce the fear of statistics before introducing the course work (Coetzee 2010, p.2). 4.0 Objectives of the research This study primarily has two main objectives. First, the current research intends to test whether attitude is significantly related to anxiety and self-efficacy. Second, the study aims to test whether attitude serves as a mediated factor between anxiety, self-efficacy and academic achievement. From the specified research objectives, the following research questions are derived: What is the graduate student attitude toward statistics? What is the graduate student self-efficacy level? What is the graduate student statistics anxiety? What is the graduate student level of academic achievement? Does attitude play a role in affecting students academic effort? Does self-efficacy play a role in affecting students academic attitude? Does students academic attitude play a role in affecting their academic achievement? Does attitude play a mediating role between anxiety, self-efficacy and academic achievement? What is the extent of the relationship, if any, between graduate students self-efficacy to learn statistics and statistics anxiety and the attitude towards statistics? 5.0 Method of investigation 5.1 Research design In the current research, quantitative research method will be implemented. Concerning the primary data collection method, self-completed questionnaire will be used because it is comparatively timesaving and has the benefit of collecting responses from a large group of subjects with a relatively low cost. 5.2 Sampling Students of both the genders will constitute the population of this study. The study population will consist of all honours students registered for a course in research methodology at a distance education institution in 2012 (N = 2340). The primary reason for targeting students registered for this subject is due to the fact that all of them have almost completed the research methods and statistics course; hence it will be easier for them to answer the survey questions. Concerning the sampling method, convenience sampling and snowball sampling will be used in the process of selecting samples from the target population. Regarding convenience sampling, it is a sampling method in which samples are selected on the basis of easy availability. Since I as the researcher am also an honours student at a distance education institution I can easily approach students studying the same course via online forums, email, etc. After distributing the questionnaires to those students that i personally will come in touch with, I will then invite the respondents to further recruit or encourage the subjects from among their acquaintances to fill out the questionnaire to boost participation, and this is known as the snowball sampling. 5.3 Data collection Ethical considerations An introductory letter explaining the purpose of the study will go with each questionnaire. The participants will also be assured in the letter about the confidentiality and the non-disclosure of information that they will provide. Additionally, respondents will not be required to provide sensitive or detailed personal information, like their full name. Instead, respondents will only need to indicate their gender, race, major and year of study. In order to further guarantee anonymity, and so there is no way for a researcher to identify which questionnaire belongs to which respondent, further measures will be implemented. Participants will not be required to hand in the questionnaire to the researcher directly but to put the completed questionnaires in a collection pile. The questionnaires will be made up of some open and closed questions as well as some multiple choice questions. Also, a meeting with the respondents will be arranged at the selected Unisa venue. At this session the objective of the study will briefly be explained and any questions that the respondents might have will be answered. The respondents will then be encouraged to complete the questionnaire during the meeting. If a participant requests a removal from the study at any time, he or she will be removed immediately. 5.4 Data analysis As one of the main aims of this research is to establish weather a relationship exists between students attitude towards statistics with respect to statistics anxiety, self-efficacy as well as academic performance, correlational analyses will be conducted. Correlational studies are those in which an attempt is made to relate two or more variables to each other. However, there is a caution by researchers that a correlation between variables does not necessarily allow us to claim that the values of one variable cause changes in the values of another variable (Linden, 1982, p.17). A simple linear regression analysis will be computed in order to determine which variables predicted students attitudes towards statistics. In this analysis, a single variable depends on or is influenced by one or more variables (Linden, 1982, p.17). In analysing the relationship between the variables, reliability test will be conducted to estimate the reliability of the scales adopted in the current study. Descriptive statistics will be used to show the demographic characteristics of the respondents. And finally, the multiple regression analyses will be used to estimate the prediction power of statistics anxiety and self-efficacy on attitude; and the prediction power of attitude, self-efficacy, and statistics anxiety on academic achievement. 6.0 Conclusion The present research further supports that there is a direct relationship between attitude, anxiety, and self-efficacy and academic achievement as suggested in past literature. It is detected that attitude has a direct effect on academic achievement while self-efficacy also has a direct effect on academic achievement. Researching predictors of graduate students statistical self-efficacy beliefs is important to identifying possible barriers to professional growth and development. Exploring how statistical self-efficacy beliefs relate to predicting future academic expectations, performance, effort, persistence, and course selection also is important to explore as a means of promoting professional development (Perepiczka et al., 2011, p.106). Teaching graduate students how to reduce their anxiety and improve their attitude will likely enhance their value of statistics and further encourage their professional development in the profession that requires work with statistics.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Broken Stereotypes in John Steinbecks The Grapes of Wrath :: Stereotypes Stereotyping

Broken Stereotypes in The Grapes of Wrath Masculinity and femininity are not restricted to two separate and distinct groups.   In reality, they are different within themselves, and similar to each other. It is a well-known stereotype that men are tough and strong with no emotions, while women are weak and need to be supported. The characters in John Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath are examples of the typical masculine and feminine groups.   However, the book also contains models of those who do not fit the stereotypes.   In general, the book contains two types of portrayals of both men and women. Pa is an example of the more common must-support-the-family man.   On the contrary, Casy, another male character, is a soft-spoken, thoughtful man.   Though they are mother and daughter, Ma and Rose of Sharon are two examples of very different femininity.   Ma is a hardworking, family focused woman while Rose of Sharon is a young naà ¯ve character who needs to be taken care of.   In The Grapes of Wrath, Pa is the main male character and plays a leadership role of the family.   After Grampa's death, it is clearly stated that Pa is the family leader.   "Pa was the head of the family now" (151).   Steinbeck purposefully puts Grampa, then Pa in the position of head of the family because the eldest male is most commonly the leader.   This is a typical example of a patriarchy.   Pa carries this role until they reach California and begin looking for work.   Pa is ashamed that he cannot work to support his family and fulfill his position as leader. Pa demanded, 'Well what the hell am I gonna do?   We're outa money.   One of my boys got a short job, but that won't feed us.   I'm a-gonna go an' take twenty cents.   I got to' (374). It frustrates Pa that he is helpless when it comes to work.   Although he is more than willing to work hard for money, Pa is unable to find a job to feed his family.   Ma takes on two roles in the course of the book.   Pa begins despairing because of his lack of work, so Ma takes over his role as leader.   This shows the masculinity in Ma's character coming out.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Starbucks Corporation Essay -- essays research papers

1. Starbucks Corporation's rise seems to be out of a storybook for Howard Schultz. Starbucks began selling whole bean coffee in 1971 under Jerry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. Business grew at a slow and steady pace until Schulz joined the company as manager of retail sales and marketing. After a visit to Milan, Italy, Schultz was inspired by a vision. He saw how important coffee was to the romantic culture of Italy. He believed that if Americans had such places to socialize over a cup of coffee, espresso, cappuccino, etc., that they would pay good money for his quality product. The owners of the Starbucks Corporation were not as excited and did not want to operate in the restaurant business. Schultz filmed these coffee bars and began to pitch his ideas to investors. By April of 1985, his first coffee bar had opened and by 1987 he had bought the Starbucks name. Although the first few years of the company were less than profitable, Schultz looked at the long-term opportunities and never let his idea die. Within a few years sales shot up 84%. This left room for expansion. By 1995 there were almost 200 stores opened across the U.S. and Starbucks was already looking international at this point and began operations to look to Asia. Starbucks now has opened bars all over the world and is one of the most successful businesses in the world. 2. The topics we have been looking at include the external environments of businesses and deciding on what a company is to do in the...

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Threats Of Increasing Global Warming Environmental Sciences Essay

Global heating, besides referred to as the nursery consequence, is the ageless addition in the mean temperature of the Earth ‘s near-surface and oceans. It has been one of the environment ‘s and worlds ‘ greatest menaces for the last decennary. Its chief menaces are the additions of the mean temperature of the Earth, rises in sea degrees, and climate alteration among others and in the most utmost instance, it could kill all of us along with the terminal of the universe. In the old old ages, emanations of nursery gases in the ambiance were balanced out by those that were of course absorbed.A As a consequence, nursery gases concentrations have been reasonably stable giving a consistent clime and thereby keeping even planetary temperatures. However, with the usage of more and more energy and resources over clip, the Earth can non absorb the extra pollutants any longer and they are hence retained in the ambiance and this causes major jobs as explained below. First, air pollution is one of the chief causes of planetary heating. The latter is caused by human activities affecting the inordinate usage of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, crude oil and natural gas among others, to bring forth electricity, heat our places, power our mills and run our cars.A These fossil fuels contain C which is released when they are burned, they the combine with O to organize C dioxide in the ambiance. Greenhouse gases are besides released ; viz. C dioxide, methane, azotic oxide and fluorocarbons. Carbon dioxide is the most harmful one to the nature since it is the gas with the higher concentration in our planet. Harmonizing to the statistics of the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Centre, there have been a rise in the C dioxide concentration of more than 2 parts per million during the twelvemonth 2001 and 2005[ 1 ]. The extra nursery gases stay in the ambiance and these act as a shield, which reflect all the sunshine energy back to the Earth taking to overh eating. In other words, sunshine is let through the ambiance and the reflected sunshine beams are kept at bay interior. Furthermore, there is the inordinate usage of man-made merchandises which contain Cl, F and C. There is besides methane which is released from landfills and agribusiness, azotic oxide from fertilisers, vehicles and gases used for infrigidation and industrial procedures C dioxide. These destroy our ozone bed, either by diminishing its thickness or by doing holes in it. We can non afford the depletion of the ozone bed, since it protects the Earth and us from high UV radiation. As a consequence of this, extremely energetic solar beams get straight into contact with the Earth, and merely a few of its energy has been absorbed by the ozone bed. Together with the pollutants that are already blocked in the ambiance, this intense energy is trapped in bend indoors as explained above. The Environment Agency reports show that there has been an addition of about 2 Degrees Celsius of in the Earth ‘s mean temperature since 2002[ 2 ] Furthermore, another great cause of planetary heating is deforestation which involves the cutting down trees to supply land infinite for agricultural intents or building intents among others. In proficient footings, the trees absorb C dioxide and release oxygen.A This procedure occurs of course by photosynthesis, which occurs less and less as we cut and burn down trees.A As the copiousness of trees diminutions, less C dioxide can be recycled.A As they are burned down, more C is released into the air, adding to the nursery consequence. In other words, C dioxide is being added to the ambiance at a faster rate than photosynthesis can take the extra gas with deforestation. The research conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, some 13 million hectares of woods worldwide are lost every twelvemonth and deforestation represents about 30 % of the nursery gases emitted yearly[ 3 ]. This loss is important to climate alteration, because life on Earth is C based ; trees build themselves with the C dioxide that would otherwise heat our ambiance. Forests act as a mammoth sponge, conserving H2O. They shade and moderate temperature, shelter beings from air current and cold, and bring forth nutrient for us.[ 4 ] Coupled with these, there are some other minor causes of the nursery consequence, viz. : cowss rise uping, rice cultivation, heavy dumping in the landfills and H2O, the usage in of pesticides and insect powders that contain toxic chemicals, dust produced from rock crushers, escape in atomic industries and volcanic eruptions among the legion others. As we have seen so far, human existences every bit good as engineering are the chief perpetrators for the bad status of the environment today and we are the lone 1 that can work out it, if non cut down it to let the endurance of the future coevals. The impacts of planetary heating are immense as good and they are really harmful in the long tally. We have already witnessed it and it is acquiring worse. However, there can be a 2nd ice age if the Earth does non warm up at all and this can be regarded as the lone â€Å" benefit † of planetary heating. In the visible radiation of the above, we can reason that planetary heating, which is speed uping, which is a human-created phenomenon that is really unsafe and must be reduced. In brief, planetary heating is the release of nursery gases in the ambiance ensuing into the nursery consequence. They are formed chiefly due human activities that pollute the air, big graduated table cutting down of woods and the usage of CFC merchandises and are doing more nursery gases, particularly C dioxide, to construct up quickly in the ambiance. There is an pressing demand to cut down the emanation of these gases ; the maximal humanly possible. While authoritiess debate for actions, nature Teachs humanity this lesson: Earth is heating up, drastic alterations can happen any clip every bit shortly as a certain threshold is exceeded and it is clip for us, great and strong people, to pay attending and react and neutralise this phenomenon called planetary heating. The quicker we can respond and the more em anation we can forestall, the better it is since the Earth is alone.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Isolation in American Literature Essay

The individual and his role in society, based on American Literature, is portrayed through many different characters, all sharing the same feelings of isolation. The feeling of isolation, in reference to Huckleberry Finn , is a choice that Huck Finn brings on himself. Throughout rebellion towards his father, Huck tries to find his true self by isolating himself from societies views and beliefs. In the novel Great Gatsby , by F. Scoot Fitzgerald, Jay Gatsby was isolated from the outside world by society. Throughout many examples of American Literature we are aware that isolation was not a pleasurable state of freedom, but more like a state of imprisonment brought on by society. In Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men, Lenny was isolated by societies fear of difference. Society was prejudice against Lenny’s differences. This caused isolation in both societies standards and in Lenny’s mind. Throughout many images portrayed by American Literature, the recurring theme of isolation is a role that each character takes on based on societies beliefs, views, and prejudices. Isolation played a key role of the character development in Huckleberry Finn. Twain carefully selected ways to show isolation in Huck’s life based on societies views of his adventures, thoughts, and of his feelings toward slavery. Huck’s beliefs in issues that society condoned isolated him from the â€Å"normal† state of living that everyone else practiced. This same view that society cast upon Huck was also thrust upon Jay Gatsby in The Great Gatsby . Because of his wealth and his self-removal from gossip and other immoral issues, that society thrives on, Jay too, was isolated. Maybe this state of seclusion was brought on by society but Nick Carraway demonstrated that, â€Å"Once banishment is brought on by others, it is soon picked up within. † (Fitzgerald, Great; 86) Hester Prinne also demonstrates a state of solitariness, in The Scarlet Letter. After society condemns her actions she goes into seclusion and lives in her own state of peace. This is brought on by societies harsh judgments. This leads to total isolation of their views in Hester’s mind. She knows that there is a difference between her beliefs and societies views of morals. These beliefs, that she has come to accept, yet curse at the same time, cause her to continue to wear the Scarlet letter, but these beliefs also cause her to isolate herself so she is not outcast by society. Lenny Small, in Of Mice and Men , is outcast into a state of seclusion â€Å"all because of societies prejudices and views on living, thinking, and acting. † (Hart, Oxford; 73) Always having a special place for Lenny to run off to and hide when things got tough is another example of isolation. When society didn’t feel something was right with Lenny’s behavior he would go into seclusion and isolate himself from the world. The fact that Lenny Small was not aware of the way people outcast him exhibits another form of isolation. Lenny’s sequestration by society set the overall issue of isolation in Of Mice and Men. Huckleberry Finn isolated himself from society because he rebelled against their ignorant beliefs. Every time Huck changed identifies, he isolated himself even deeper. † The overall character change of Huck Finn demonstrates Twains own rebellion against societies views. † (Scott, Mark; 38) As Huck Finn comes across the different aspects, attitudes, and restrictions of society, he learns to prefer his own individual freedom over societies restrictions. Gatsby is secluded out of both, personal choice, and societies choice. Under his own personal choice of isolation Gatsby seems satisfied, but when the issue of society condemning him arose, the view of isolation seems less appealing. When seclusion by society is made into a recurring theme in Great Gatsby, Jay tries to change his social status and forgets about his moral responsibility. He becomes like all other characters in society that judge and gossip. This new outlook may pull him out of isolation, but in the end it also kills him. The need for social acceptance pulls the trigger that ends Jay Gatsby’s life. Throughout many examples of American Literature, it is apparent that society played a key role in character development. In numerous examples from American Literature we see that society isolated certain characters for being different than the socially accepted person. Authors, such as Mark Twain ( a. k. a. Sammual Clemmens), John Steinbeck, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and Nathanial Hawthorne, portray the best examples of isolation in their classic American literature novels. They show, throughout their novels, that the conflict between society and the individual is based on seclusion, condemnation, but most of all through isolation.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Catchment Health and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Catchment Health and Management - Essay Example These concerns and conflicts gradually led community leaders to recognize the need for integrated catchment management (ICM), which is the planning and management of a river or groundwater catchment's natural resources to achieve sustainable use for social and economic development. 1. Give an example of a sequence of events relevant to catchment management that conform with a complete Adaptive Cycle. Describe the sequence in terms of the three properties or dimensions of the Cycle. The development of catchment-scale stream rehabilitation programmes in many parts of the world marks a shift from the application of reach-based engineering principles towards an adoption of ecosystem-centred, adaptive and participatory approaches to river management. From a biophysical viewpoint, this represents recognition of the importance of the inherent geodiversity of aquatic ecosystems and the benefits that are gained through enhancing natural recovery mechanisms. As this approach to river management matures, it is important that its key elements and assumptions are subjected to critical appraisal. In this paper, the main features of contemporary catchment-wide programmes are examined through a review of pertinent literature and through examination of various case studies from North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. Emerging challenges and tensions include those of generating an authentic and functional biophysical vision at the catchment scale, of developing a proactive a daptive management approach, of achieving genuine community participation and of integrating biophysical and social factors in a transdisciplinary framework. Issues of scale, natural variability and complexity must be addressed in meeting these challenges. The effects of a non-station ary climate on a water management system in the Warta River Catchment in Central Poland which already suffers from seasonal water deficits are exam ined in this paper. To determine a range of possible implications of global change on the region of interest, two scenarios were selected for the study: the warm-dry scenario predicted by the GFDL model, and warm scenario obtained from the GISS model. It is shown that the basin's water supply and demand are both sensitive and vulnerable to clim atic changes. Possible adaptation options to cope with further degradation of domestic, industrial and agricultural water supplies are recommended. 2. There is increasing pressure to restore disturbed areas to aesthetically-pleasing and functional ecosystems. Although the former objective may be relatively easily met, the second is not so simple. Outline some of the complexities that the rehabilitation officer might encounter when trying to restore a disturbed area to a fully-functioning ecosystem. The effects associated with land-use change are multiple and have an impact on terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems over continental, regional and local scales. Separating and ascribing a particular effect to any individual causal factor is difficult as it requires consideration not only of geographical scale but also the historical aspect of the land-use change. Increasingly, government

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Discussion of the tax gap and what IRS is doing to close it Term Paper

Discussion of the tax gap and what IRS is doing to close it - Term Paper Example The latest figures of tax gap estimate signify the initial complete renewal of the report during five years, and it demonstrates the country’s observance level is basically unaffected from the previous evaluation including tax year 2001. The tax gap marker is a useful guide to the level of tax observance as well as to the continuing sources of lesser observance; however, it is not a satisfactory guide to â€Å"year-to-year alterations within IRS plans or to year-to-year returns on IRS service and enforcement schemes† (Ward et al, 2013). The voluntary observance level (percentage of overall tax revenues paid promptly) for the tax year 2006 was around 83.2 percent. The voluntary observance level for 2006 was statistically unaffected from the most recent earlier estimate of 83.7 percent tax year 2001. On a comparative basis, the tax gap is mainly in proportion to the increase in overall tax liabilities. Besides, a little increase in the tax gap estimate is accredited to improved statistics as well as better evaluation techniques. For instance, IRS formulated the â€Å"econometric model† (Kahn & Polsky, 2013) for estimating the tax gap attributable to small businesses which was then used for newer functional information. In addition, large business tax gap for the year 2006 was based on enhanced statistical techniques and modernized information. Moreover, the data linked with individual income tax payers carries on to progress supported by better evaluation methods as well as newer statistics. The tax gap includes three main factors: â€Å"non-filing, underreporting and underpayment† (Kahn & Polsky, 2013). As in the year 2001, the underreporting of earnings was the major cause of the tax gap during 2006. Under-reporting in more or less all taxpayer categories summed up to around 380 billion USD of the gross tax gap during 2006, increased from 290 billion USD during 2001. Tax non-filing summed up for around 30 billion USD during 2006, increased from 29

Monday, October 7, 2019

Teaching strategies to students with severe disabilities who are Research Paper

Teaching strategies to students with severe disabilities who are second language learners - Research Paper Example This paper shall discuss the various strategies which can be applied by the teacher in order to effectively teach students with severe disabilities who are also second language learners. Body Learning impaired students refer to students who have been diagnosed with learning disabilities, disabilities which are ranging from processing deficits (input, integration, storage, or output) (Rathus, 2010). It also includes function impairment, developmental dyslexia, dysphagia, aphasia, as well as low IQ scores. These impairments often imply that the students are not performing well in school and may be even delayed in their studies (Rathus, 2010). Second language students are those students who are in the process of learning a second language. More often than not, they may be immigrant students trying who are not native English speakers. The challenge in this case is how the teacher can communicate with the second language students, especially those students who are learning impaired. The t eacher must develop strategies in order to manage the challenges in teaching these students. Schools are institutions which represent the richness and diversity of culture and languages, including customs and traditions. For most students, parents, and other educators, establishing ways by which to instruct all children effectively and meaningfully is considered a professional and pedagogical responsibility (Lopez-Reyna, 2002). Specifically, ways to manage the knowledge which many people have established from the bilingual and special education fields have also been established by various academicians. Crucial to the process of teaching children is to secure a thorough understanding of his or her learning based on his or her specific learning skills, weaknesses, and needs (Wagner,, 2005). There is a need to secure a complete and informal evaluation in order to ensure that the teacher understands what the child knows, and what he already understands. The primary assumption on learning is that there is also a need to secure a strong sense of a student’s language, his home setting, his values, and his previous experiences in his current or previous school (Lopez-Reyna, Birnbaum, 2002). There are eight principles which are considered effective in teaching English language learners (Gersten and Jimenez, 1994). These principles include the need to secure higher order thinking opportunities as well as expectations, including the higher level of involvement in one’s own learning, experiences, and cultural diversity. Suggestions on the use of mediation via visual organizers and modelling the application of appropriate resources have also been made. Support for the application of collaborative and cooperative learning has also been advocated (Calderon,, 2011). A determination on which language to use for learning impaired students has often been posed. Even as the benefits of ensuring instruction in a child’s primary language has been seen in terms of general education settings, it is not clear how the learning should unfold for learning impaired students (Lopez-Reyna, 2002). Using English can be a challenge because it would take years to master the language for second language learners. In effect, teaching academic skills to students in their native language seems to be the more effective method of teaching